The WildEats Story

Founded by Chef John McGannon in 1995, WILDEATS Enterprises® is the accumulation of over 45 years experience in some of our nation's finest dining establishments and a lifetime of preparing nature's bounty at the highest level. Chef McGannon is widely recognized as one of the leading authorities on fine wild game cuisine and has opened 13 restaurants in New York, Florida, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and San Francisco.
For the past 25 years WildEats has been the "GO TO" for those who take their cooking to an extreme level

The Benefits of taking it to Extremes

We live in an exciting time where we can obtain fresh products from around the world all year long. Whether it's brought in from the local stream or the downtown supermarket we should all enjoy the wonders of nature to their maximum potential. It is with great pleasure that I am able to share my years of experience with you, your family, and friends. 


“Enjoy Life, Eat Well” Chef John McGannon